Course supervisors, handymen, photographers, workshop organisers, editors-in-chief... at Konekt, Brake-Out and Platform-K we can always use assistance. As a volunteer - with or without disabilities - you contribute to an inclusive world, in which everyone is included and participates.
At Konekt we make sure you can do what you are good at. What gives you energy and what you like to do. By sharing your passion with other people, you too can grow and evolve.
Everything that happens in our operatie contributes directly to one goal: a society to which everyone can contribute. With or without disabilities.
This family consists of a bunch of talented and motivated colleagues, interns, volunteers and students. It's never boring here.
Konekt organises various programmes for young adults to develop their talents and discover the world. As a volunteer, you can help in different ways.
DO you have a talent or a hobby? Anything to dot with theatre, sports, music, yoga, painting, cooking, film, photography, gaming... Fancy teaching a workshop about it to the studnets of Brake-Out?
In the next few years, Konekt will be investing more in communciation and storytelling. Your expertise will help us inspire plenty of people for an inclusive society.
In Ghent, Leuven, Antwerp and Bruges, we are looking for volunteer photographers or film makers (or students) who want to visualise Konekt activities. Always in your own style.
Your writing talent can be expressed in many ways: by reading and reworking texts, writing opinion pieces, covering news and writing articles... This is certainly also possible from home. Would you like to find our more? Send an e-mail to
Some of the possibilties: Google Analytics and SEO, minor layout work, contributing to our social media... Send an e-mail to and let us know what your expertise is.
By photographing the activities of Konekt, I have found myself at the most diverse of places. But the best part is definitely the contact with the students and supervisors.Marc, Konekt's volunteer photographer
Welcoming people at the reception desk in the office, handing out drinks at an event, soundproofing the webinarstudio, doing odd jobs... At Konekt things regularly appear out of thin air, thus we can always use a helping hand. Are you a handyman of handywoman? Do you enjoy pampering others? Then you should definitely keep an eye on this page.
At Brake-Out in Antwerp (Mundo-A), we are looking for 1 or 2 volunteers for the morning moments on Thursday and Friday (from 8.30 to 10 am). You will welcome students, engage in some small talk, drink a cup of coffee...
Do you have a disability and would you like to help? You are more than welcome to! All vacancies on this page are available for anyone that is the least bit enthusiastic. Together, we will find out how to best engage your talent.
Specifically, we are looking for experienced experts with disabilities (visual, auditive, ASD, physical...) to assist us in our immersion courses. During these courses, we let groups experience what it is like to live with a disability. Are you interested? Contact colleague Marijn Leroy.
Who better than experienced experts to convince our society about the benefits of inclusion? About working based on talent? Tell your story at events, in the press, during Konekt courses.... We provide you with tips and tricks to learn how to captivate an audience. Find out more