Konekt’s mission and vision

Konekt is radically committed to provide a world to which people with and without disabilities can contribute based on their talent. We inspire society and make inclusive learning, living and working the norm in Flanders.

Konekt missie en visie 2

People with disabilities are subconsciously excluded. They often do not get the chance to take on an active role. Konekt strives to ensure that all people can engage their talents in society. A society in which there are no extra barriers, where inclusion is the natural basis.

Onze missie konekt

5 strategic goals for the next few years

  1. People with disabilities are given the opportunity and the choice in society to take on a visible and meaningful role in terms of life, education and employment.
  2. More and more organisations have an inclusive policy in Flanders.
  3. The public witnesses disabled people adopt a meaningful role in society and is convinced of its effectiveness.
  4. A system change takes place within at least one educational or work practice: a talent-mindset replaces the current defect-mindset.
  5. Konekt’s organisational model guarantees optimal work with an impact.
Jongvolwassenen konekt

A focus on young adults with a need for educational support

In our activities and collaborations, we focus primarily on young adults with disabilities. They find themselves in a stage of life in which it is crucial to explore their own talents and dreams for the future. This group still has a lot of potential for growth. We break thought the ceiling that often accompanies disabilities by highlighting this talent and growth at an early stage.

Brake out social innovation tournament

Pioneering for a larger impact

Konekt is a lab in which we test working models with all kinds of partners. We radically renew ingrained themes and practices in collaboration with people with disabilities. We challenge other organisations, educational institutions and employers to adopt better practices.

Prizes awarded

Konekt, Brake-Out and Platform-K have won a great deal of (international) awards and acknowledgements in recent years. It is very gratifying when we manage to inspire juries and the public with our vision on talent, inclusion and social enterprise.

Take a look a the overview of prizes & awards
Innovatie konekt

No time to lose!

Radical new models are emerging worldwide as a response to social challenges. These models often work bottom up – just think of the sharing economy, the maker movement, new types of meaning… Konekt embraces these kinds of innovative models to establish a society that radically strives for inclusion.

No more slow, step-by-step progress. We aim for disruptive system change because there is no time to lose for disabled people.