Inspirational session Brake-Out

Start Fri 4 October '24
9:00 - 14:00

1 session


Free: € 0
All rates

Language & teacher Dutch

What can you expect? Interesting workshops, exchanges with like-minded organisations, and nice food and drinks. We will immerse you in our methods and

tell you more about the Erasmus+ project we have been working on for the past 3 years. In that project we worked with European partner organisations to find a version of Brake-Out that is country-neutral, a version that can be implemented anywhere. That’s how we all work together towards a more inclusive world!


  • 9 am: Welcome
  • 9.30 am: Check-in
  • 10 am: Group 1 learns about our Erasmus+ project (ENG), group 2 attends the workshops (NL)
  • 11 am: Group 1 attends the workshops (NL), group 2 learns about our Erasmus+ project (ENG)
  • 12.30 pm: Lunch

When you enrol, please choose between these 2 inspiring workshops:

  1. Everyone has talents: In this workshop we introduce you to talents, where you will learn more about yourself.
  2. Together through the dare spiral: In this workshop you’re introduced to the dare spiral, and discover you are stronger when you work together.

Please note: this is an international event. Our international partners will introduce you to our Eramus+ project in English. The workshops are given in Dutch. Do you need support in terms of translation? Please let us know when you enrol!


  • Fri 4 October '24
    9:00 - 14:00
    Konekt Leuven - Groene zaal


  • Free
    € 0


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