Inclusive decision-making

Because everyone is different, you quickly collide with conflict and tension in a group. And then contradictions, inequalities, and power dynamics arise. Through inclusive decision-making, you learn to deal with this and discover ways to let the minority in a group have their say.

→ Discover how to include all voices of the group during decision-making.

→Discover how to deal with tensions

→ Get to know tools that you can immediately put into practice.



In iedere groep komt het voor dat mensen niet kunnen zeggen wat er gezegd moet worden, of wat ze willen zeggen. Daardoor ontstaan excuses, roddels en sabotage. Met inclusieve besluitvorming ga je hiermee aan de slag en leer je hoe je alle stemmen aan bod kan laten komen, ook de opstandige stemmen.

  1. Kader: Je leert de basisprincipes om te komen tot een inclusief besluit met een groep.
  2. Vaardigheden: Je maakt kennis met vaardigheden die ervoor kunnen zorgen dat alle stemmen worden gehoord: actief luisteren, verbindend communiceren en het effectief hanteren van conflicten.
  3. Dynamieken: Je ontdekt hoe je heersende machtsdynamieken kan herkennen en hoe je daarmee kan omgaan. Je leert hoe je gelijkheid in de groep kan bevorderen.

In every group, it can happen that people cannot say what needs to be said, or what they want to say. This creates excuses, gossip, and sabotage. With inclusive decision-making, you will tackle this and learn how to allow all voices to be heard, including the rebellious ones.

1. Framework: You will learn the basic principles to reach an inclusive decision with a group.
2. Skills: You will be introduced to skills that ensure that all voices are heard: active listening, connecting communication, and handling effectively conflict.
3. Dynamics: You discover how to recognize prevailing power dynamics and how to deal with them. You learn how to promote equality in the group.

Practical information

  • target group
    healthcare professionals, teachers, educational managers and supervisors
  • duration
    full day
  • group
    min. 12 - max. 20 participants

Get in touch voor more information

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You can reach us by phone from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 4.30 pm. Not on Wednesday afternoons.

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